Coding ProjectNews

New project added: DND Character Builder/Sheet

I finally have a working prototype for this project that I’m calling “live”. Yay!

The current version p0.11 covers the most basic bare-bones fields to calculate a DND 5e character (not 2024 rules) but doesn’t include a wizard or any rolling tools to actually generate the character from scratch. Future versions will include race and class selection, backgrounds, feats, level-up tools, a character creation wizard, loot and gear selection, gold-by-level, experience required to level, and hopefully also some nice tools to help players who want to use this tool to hold their character sheet.

I would love to see it be as useful and easy as the Baldur’s Gate 3 level-up tool, but with some features specifically useful for a tabletop game and not a video game — like a mode that says you’re concentrating on a spell and greys out the other conc spells so you can see at a glance which is which. Or a button that activates Rage so you can see the bonus to your weapon damage and STR throws. Or some color overlay indicating you have a negative status effect, or a potion active like Enlarge.

In any case, these ideas are all heavily dependent on the time I have in the future outside of writing and my day job, so we’ll have to see how much I can get done.

Check it out on the Projects page or at the permalink here:


Code Jam for Halloween-ish

Last weekend I had an extra day off and the prospect of a new DND campaign looming the next Monday. So like any sane gamer, instead of looking at the three (yes, three!) characters I had already rolled up as options to play, I decided that I didn’t like the character builders / online character sheets I’d been using and wanted to build my own.

So I took that motivation and did my own code jam to see how much I could prototype in my long weekend, and also make myself brush up on my HTML5/PHP and finally learn JavaScript.

How hard could it be?

Reader, let me tell you, it was … actually much easier than I’d been expecting. I didn’t get all the fields for a character sheet up and running by the end of the weekend, but after approximately 20 hours I had both a layout prototype and a calculations prototype that had the main six attributes, their basic calculated stats like AC and HP, and the saving throws done. Not bad! Why haven’t I been using JavaScript before? This is almost as easy as Python.

So look for a working basic prototype in the coming days.


Website: the Resurrection

Ok, so, this site has been languishing for two years. It’s sorta dead, I get it. I initially brought it back while I was between jobs as a thing to play with, maybe even have some fun, brush up on my web development skills, and also to make a little portfolio to help with job searching.

That was the idea anyway, and then I found a job before I got really far with it so it’s just been … sitting here. But now I’m trying to get some of my old coding projects back up online, and I’m starting to get serious (or trying to) with a future writing career, so I need to have a web presence. Also, it would be nice to put some of my old code back up so people can see/find it and maybe even get some use out of it.

Unfortunately my old host had Python and Java support and this one doesn’t, so that will limit me on what I can put up for now, but I may in the future switch to a host/plan that covers this. Or possibly I’ll convert it to another language that my current plan supports, who knows!


Sample project: The Papers Project

A new project! (Not.)

This is a terrible sample post about this project, while I’m trying to learn how to get the WP block editor to not suck. Yay!

Anyway, keep an eye out for more stuff.