DND Character Builder/Sheet (active)

A quick prototype that basically allows for self-calculation of all the stats involved with a DND 5e character (not 2024 rules).

The current version p0.13 covers the basics to calculate all the necessary stats plus places to enter in roleplay or flavor elements like personality or allies.

Note the prototype doesn’t include a wizard to generate the character or any race/class/background selection. Users are expected to follow a guide like the Player’s Handbook (PHB) and then enter their stats in the appropriate fields. Future versions will include feats, level-up tools, a character creation wizard, loot and gear selection, gold-by-level, and hopefully also some nice tools to help players who want to use this tool to hold their character sheet.

Languages: Javascript, PHP, HTML5
Current Version (Permalink): https://brittprojects.com/prototype/DND_charcreator_vers_p013.php
Old Versions (Permalinks):